Get a feel for true righteousness. And relax.
Blessed Poverty and Knowing Christ
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven....Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Mt 5:3, 6). Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount – and all his teachings in Matthew, for that matter – with this...
Own Your Poverty: Thomas Merton on Understanding God’s Love for You
You own your poverty by grace, and while it instills a sadness and longing of its own, it is strangely freeing.
Coronavirus and Your Spiritual Life: More Than Coping
On drawing nearer to God during the coronavirus crisis.
Christmas Questions: What Do You Want? What Are You Waiting For?
Ask the right questions this Advent season.
Ignatius Dreams: A Young Man Learns Discernment & Teaches the World
How the great teacher of discerning God’s will learned the art.
Breathing Your Way to God
A reflection on our most life-giving rhythms.
The Dream No President, Congress, or Court Can Reverse
There is hope woven into the grief so many feel in our nation.
You Can Resolve Our National Leadership Crisis
If you want a way out from under disappointing politicians, read on…
For a Grateful Heart, Remember Your Losses
Remember when grace broke through the darkness?
Giving Your Gift, Receiving Sweet Grace
Giving what gift pleases you most?
Costly Grace for the Rest of Us
What cross are you called to bear?