Sometimes I think this prayer saved my life.
Authentic Prayer
A funny thing happened on the way to “Amen.”
Own Your Poverty: Thomas Merton on Understanding God’s Love for You
You own your poverty by grace, and while it instills a sadness and longing of its own, it is strangely freeing.
Shining Like the Sun with Thomas Merton on Fourth & Walnut, Louisville
On a visit to a sacred street corner.
Black Friday Pilgrimage to Thomas Merton’s Grave
How I spent Black Friday.
Good, In Other Words (poem)
Good, In Other Words J. Marshall Jenkins Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Mt 5:6). He wanted to do something good, the meaning of which he worked and reworked with improvising mind and earnest heart, with feet and...
AboutJ. Marshall Jenkins, PhD. A few things you may want to check out about my educational and working background:[dsm_icon_list icon_color="#6D7E77" list_vertical_alignment="flex-start" text_indent="8px" module_id="about-me" _builder_version="4.10.7"...
Righteousness versus Rightness
Does your deepest hunger have to do with love?
Stories for the Road
A word for college students and everyone who has a long road ahead.
Use Psalm 23 For Sleeping and Waking
A fresh reading of the most familiar psalm.
Liminal Space: Grace Where Things Fall Apart
When God makes no sense in your story, you may find that you make more sense in God’s story.
Drop Your Story, Let Go, and Grab a Mooring
On the turn you take from mourning to hope.