There is a sunny side to original sin…
By Mercy (poem)
By Mercy J. Marshall Jenkins Only by mercy do the merciless live another day, and only by mercy does another day come at all. By mercy the rainbow drapes every color over battlefields, and a young sycamore etches spring growth in winter sky. By mercy mortals play at...
The Inbreaking of Mercy in a Merciless World
You have a Christmas story to tell that the world needs to hear.
Comedy in the Book of Jonah
Amid the thundering proclamations of the prophets, a little piece of comedy appears: The Book of Jonah.
Julian’s Joyful Insight Into Sin (During Bad Times Like Ours)
How Julian of Norwich saw through suffering and sin to hope and love.
Forgiving the Ones You Are Stuck With
On one of the toughest challenges of faith.
Cleansing for Life with Augustine and Me
Is life just a long cleansing?
From Helplessness To Hope After the Parkland School Shooting
Something you can do about the violence.
Compassion Spills from God’s Broken Heart
A touching image of God’s mercy…
HALT, Welcome, and Be Welcomed
Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy (Matthew 5:7). Participants in Alcoholics Anonymous keep an eye on themselves with the acronym, HALT, which stands for, “Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired.” That experience cues them to call the sponsor, go to a...
Mountaintops and the Art of Freedom
Sermon Texts Exodus 20:1-17 (The Ten Commandments) Matthew 5:1-12 (The Beatitudes) For the YouTube of the sermon, click here. Mountaintops: Touching the heavens, we fancy them closer to God. Up in the thin air, we survey the mountain range and the valley below. The...
Science, Mysticism, and the Power of Unknowing
Don’t rely too much on what you know. Unknowing may save your life. Read on to see what I mean…