Exhaustion can weigh down any person’s spirit.
Dear Wounded Healer,
Exhaustion opens an echo chamber for voices declaring you unworthy, whispering that you are unwelcome.
Perhaps you got there by reacting to this problem and that, rushing to solutions in hopes of wiping them all out until all is placid and complete and you can rest. But with each reaction you disturb the waters and more problems arise in an endless tide of trouble.
Or perhaps you got there by persisting into the night on the noble way of following through with projects for the good, casting aside sleep, then resting fitfully, never really stopping your work. Soon your sluggishness only prolonged the project until two steps back follow every step forward.
Maybe you magnanimously sought to meet people with your gifts then forgot the need for solitude to reconnect with yourself and God. So you found yourself disconnected and tossed in the wind.
Or in withdrawal to find your center, pride waylaid you into illusions of self-sufficiency. You starved your soul rather than accepted the love of God.
So you find yourself spent, your freedom to love reduced to a desperate wish to finish and rest and escape, convinced that you deserve a moral vacation.
Small inconveniences become taunts of fate. No one appears to understand. You come to believe that if anyone really knew you, they would not care. Or that they do not care already.
There in exhaustion’s echo chamber, no music plays, and there seems no God.
My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46).
The cry echoes. The walls of the chamber quiver.
Whatever caused your exhaustion, you suddenly find yourself with the Son of God crying out on his own behalf and yours. With one cry, the echo chamber becomes a sanctuary.
This is an act of God, a terrible and wonderful grace. You cannot dream this up. But you can remember your poverty, your need for God.
Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30).
Your Inner Voice of Love
Posts in the Wounded Healers Blog are messages of gentle encouragement I give to myself and offer to you as messages you may adopt for yourself. For further context, visit the home page.