Beatitudes Blog
Comfort and Courage
When love hurts, there is hope…
Overwhelming and Belief: A Sermon on John 6:1-21
After this Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, also called the Sea of Tiberias. A large crowd kept following him, because they saw the signs that he was doing for the sick. Jesus went up the mountain and sat down there with his disciples. Now the...
Together, Unawares (poem)
Together, Unawares J. Marshall Jenkins Go to a crowded place, say, an airport terminal, a stadium at game time, or a shopping mall in December. Let the cacophony gather, rise like smoke, and leave your one heart beating with others, your eyes among matchless faces...
A Grateful Contemplative
Read about the practice that matters to me most and how it brings me joy.
Seeds: A Sermon on Mark 4:26-32
He also said, “The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground, and would sleep and rise night and day, and the seed would sprout and grow, he does not know how. The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in...
By Mercy (poem)
By Mercy J. Marshall Jenkins Only by mercy do the merciless live another day, and only by mercy does another day come at all. By mercy the rainbow drapes every color over battlefields, and a young sycamore etches spring growth in winter sky. By mercy mortals play at...
The Comforting Challenge
Surprising comfort from the most challenging Beatitude.
What Is A Disciple? A Reflection on Luke 24:36-49
While they were talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and terrified, and thought that they were seeing a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?...
Success: A Reflection After My Conversation With Charlie Hedges
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). Recently, Charlie Hedges contacted me after he read my post, “Lord, Teach Us to Pray: Petition as Contemplation.” He said, “Marshall, you and I swim in the same pond.” After learning more about him,...
Good, In Other Words (poem)
Good, In Other Words J. Marshall Jenkins Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Mt 5:6). He wanted to do something good, the meaning of which he worked and reworked with improvising mind and earnest heart, with feet and...
Waking Nicodemus
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God (Matthew 5:9). At night, we sleep. We also do then what we never do in the light of day. I, Nicodemus, visited Jesus at night. I did not go to scout for my colleagues in our clerical court called...
Pray Without Ceasing (and still finish the laundry)
Let’s roll up our sleeves, get down in the dirt, and pray.
As a psychotherapist and spiritual director, I bring well-honed insight and skill to these posts; yet, my vulnerability plays a more important part, for more than advice from experts, serious people of faith need resonance with fellow travelers.
In my writing and in your reading and comments, may we face our challenges in God’s compassionate presence rather than in a private dressing room where we try in vain to make ourselves presentable to God at an appointed meeting. God meets us where we are.
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