You own your poverty by grace, and while it instills a sadness and longing of its own, it is strangely freeing.

You own your poverty by grace, and while it instills a sadness and longing of its own, it is strangely freeing.
God touches the lonely this Christmas.
Read, “Fear not,” as a word of encouragement…. but not as a literal command. Rather, listen to your fear. Let it lead you to prayer.
Can you see this man in yourself?
Many find it challenging to accept God’s love. Here’s a way to understand that and beat it.
Open your heart to receive these two blessings.
How to receive the blessings.
How the Bible is more than a book.
On the Lord’s Prayer in biblical context and the context of your life.
A gift to my soul as a Southern, white man.
How Jesus’ invitation to intimacy still challenges us.
Amid all the amazing artwork, architecture, and music in the basilica, my epiphany came from a surprise visitor.