How the Christmas story talks back to Trump.
Results for "patient peacemaking trumps trump"
How I Will Celebrate the Presidential Inauguration of Donald Trump
A spiritual way to observe the inauguration of a man who wounds our spirits.
Peacemaking in America: Moving from Fear to Faith
On a road less travelled in a land of fear….
The Blessed Exercise of Power: An Inaugural Reflection
On the source of power and how to use it.
The Dream No President, Congress, or Court Can Reverse
There is hope woven into the grief so many feel in our nation.
Neighbors at the Door: Welcoming Christ This Christmas
How Christ shows up for his birthday.
Your Vote: A Clue from Jesus on Choosing Leaders
Praying for a good leader in this political season?
I Want to Know Christ
A tribute to my grandfather.
Authentic Love in a World of Lies
How do you recognize a genuine smile?
Moving through Prejudice to Peace
When did you first awaken to prejudice in society? In yourself?
Rights, Boundaries, and the Golden Rule
On standing up for yourself even as you give of yourself.
Learning from Mr. Strongmouse and the Baby
On the superior power of gentleness.